There are many forms of magic tricks performed by magicians but without doubt, the most powerful of these is where the magician is seemingly able to read someone's mind. Being able to somehow how know the secret thoughts of your friends or family can be quite astounding and will very quickly enhance your reputation as a very clever magician. I'm going to teach you a few simple magic tricks that will help you to achieve this.
Be careful to use this magic mind reading trick in the right atmosphere as it can have a very scary effect on those friends and family that are watching you perform. You will require a small sheet of note paper and three volunteers to assist you. Simply tear the paper into three sections handing one to each of the assistants. Have two of the assistant's record the name of someone who is living onto the paper and the third person is to record the name of someone who is deceased.
After they have completed your instructions have them scrunch up the paper into a ball shape ond drop them into an empty glass. You build up the atmosphere with some spooky patter about beig able to communicate with the dead. You say that this skill was passed down to you by your gypsy great grandmother. Then, taking each piece from the glass individually from the glass you hold it up to your forehead for dramatic effect. You then shout the name of the dead person to totally freak everyone out.
The secret to this very scary magic effect is quite simple. When you tear a piece of not paper into three strips two of the pieces will have one straight edge but only one piece will a torn edge on both sides. It is this piece that you hand someone with the request that they record the name of a dead person on. Identifying this later on is very easy.
For this masterpiece that has been used by stage magicians for years you will require approximately 20 pieces of card or 20 of your business cards. Standing in front of your audience you ask people to think of a famous name. The name can be that of a film star, music celebrity or maybe a past president etc.
Then pointing to people from the audience individually you ask them to shout out the name of the famous person that they are thinking of. You record this name onto the back of your business card and then drop it into an empty glass bowl. This process is repeated with approximately 20 different people from the audience.
You now request a volunteer from the audience to come up to the stage to assist the magician. The volunteer mixes all the cards in the bowl before than selecting one and placing it into an empty pocket. Using all of his skills as a master mind reader the magician then divines the name of the person recorded on the card inside the volunteers' pocket!
How exactly is the magician able to do this apparent miracle? The answer is very simple although I bet you have not worked it out yet. As the people from the audience are giving you the names of famous people to write onto the cards, you simple write the same name down twenty times! Write down the first name provided and then proceed to record this name onto the other 19 cards.
Later, when the assistant from the audience dips her hand into the bowl to select a name from the group no one will realise that she is selecting a name that has been recorded on all of the cards.
Although the secret to both these magic mind reading effects used by magicians is very simple, the effect that they will have on your friends and family will be astounding. Don't let the simplicity of the secret put you off performing them. Try out the first effect at least once and you will be more than convinced at how strong the effect can be. Magicians have been building reputations as mind readers with these magic tricks for many years and now you know the secret, you can do the same.
Some Mind Reading Tricks for You to Perform

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