Quality Online Content Powers Conversion Rates

Buying the perfect domain name and marketing your website through SEO, SEM and more traditional forms of marketing is very effective in driving potential customers to your site. Still there is work to be done if your goal is to actually convert site users into paying customers.

Why is compelling content so crucial?
Internet users are tired of worthless content that is light on relevant information and heavy on sales pitch and keywords. This is good news for companies that are truly authoritative in their industry. By displaying quality, informative content, Google’s much coveted love will shine down upon you, and visitors to your site will be more likely to make a purchase when they are engaged in your online presentation.

Establishing Authority
If you are an authority in your industry, then this aspect should be a no-brainer. It simply makes sense to communicate current relevant information about products and services that will aid the consumer in making an informed purchase. Avoiding excessive repetition of copy and including a natural variety of keywords make for solid organic SEO value that will drive traffic and an engaging experience for users to drive conversions.

Intuitive Navigation
Quality content on your website includes a need for intuitive navigation and a natural progression of subpages. For example, if you are running an e-commerce site, striking a balance between marketing copy and ease of purchase is imperative. In other words, you want to make a compelling pitch to new customers visiting your site, but also ensure that return visitors do not have to navigate through a labyrinth of pages to make a purchase when they already know what they are looking for.

The key here is anticipating the various users that will visit your website and doing all that is possible to satisfy varying needs. The call for this balance becomes increasingly important and challenging as we all continue to move toward mobile sites and apps that by nature allow for less space in which to include content.

A Lasting Online Presence
Google has warned, albeit cryptically, that quality content is going to be rewarded with rankings whereas spammy, over-optimized content is, um…not. This is a newish development, -- we are not talking about old school black-hat SEO. This has been taken to mean that sites that overuse bold, italics, keyword repetition, etc… could be penalized or at least will not be rewarded.

All businesses on the web want that coveted first page ranking, but reaching that spot is not the finish line. Maintaining page one rankings takes continued efforts in refreshing content, link building, and a host of other strategies. Do not be fooled by SEO offers that promise first page rankings, free websites and other services at a fraction of the cost that others charge. If it seems too good to be true, it is, every time.

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