For herpes simplex virus infection is a disease that is quite common in today's society. Is caused by two members of the family, and herpes virus # 1 # 2 and herpes virus. This disease is contagious, incurable, and widely used in today's world.
Type the number 1 in the herpes mainly responsible for causing infections in the mouth, throat, face and eyes. And cold sores occur according to the type 1, and is the most common form of this disease.
Type 2, on the other hand, is primarily responsible for genital herpes, and the second most common manifestation of infection. It can also cause the number (1) genital herpes. He said that it is possible for each of the No. 1 and type 2 to cause infection in all areas of the body.
Can herpes virus may also lead to other serious conditions. What happens in rare cases, including herpetic encephalitis virus, which is infected in the brain, meningitis virus, herpes, neonatal herpes, and where the child is infected with neonatal herpes infection of the mother.
Transmission of the disease often occur in contact with infected blister, or in contact with body fluids of an infected person. For example, is usually transmitted genital herpes through sexual contact. May also be that the disease is transmitted by skin to skin contact with an infected person and non-symmetrical. Based on contact with an infected person other than the former, and the herpes virus is able to penetrate through the skin in the genital area or the mucous membrane of the mouth, or any "supply" has the skin is exposed to the virus.
It will be people with symptoms with periods of remission, in most cases without symptoms, depending on the form of the infection. Cases where people are the symptoms of any symptoms. Some people, in some cases of infection with herpes virus 1, for the development of sores. Cold sores usually takes 7 to 10 days to heal. Others are not light bulbs when they become infected with herpes, and instead may experience a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and the temperature.
Many cases of herpes simplex virus infections of the symptoms, although the virus can still be actively reproducing in the body in the so-called viral shedding. Genital herpes is one of the most common diseases transmitted sexually or SID. They tend to be asymptomatic in most cases. May become latent infection when the virus hides in nerve cells, with the ability to wake up. People who are more prone to complications and those with weak immune system.
Once a person has the disease, they retain the infection for life. Depending on the individual case and if their immune system strong, the virus can be re-awakened after a latency period, and symptoms of the case that repeated.
Can be treated with a herpes virus infection with antiretroviral therapy and topical. These treatments work by preventing and controlling the intensity of epidemics together. They do not eliminate the virus and not therapeutic.
Be sure to visit my main virus herpes virus herpes Page - Physical Therapy for the natural treatment options to help you control your homes.
You'll also find pictures of herpes, which will help you determine whether you have already contracted the disease. Do not let herpes run your life, and learn to control your herpes instead.
My Life has Changed after Herpes Virus

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