Pinterest vs. Facebook On Twitter

Pinterest vs. Facebook On Twitter , Twitter users are more engaged with Pinterest than Facebook, according to data visualization community In this infographic, see how @pinterest and @facebook compare in terms of demographics, number of followers, and interactions on Twitter.

Although Pinterest and Facebook have thriving communities of their own, each company maintains a strong presence on the microblogging site, where they can post updates that link back to their blogs. That’s because Twitter is where people go for news. (The exception of course, being Mark Zuckerberg’s double announcement of the Facebook IPO and his marriage to Priscilla Chan on his own Facebook page.)

To create this infographic, the team pulled data on each account from People Browsr and the Twitter API to create a side-by-side comparison of each social network’s followers on Twitter. Facebook still dominates the landscape with 4.06 million followers. Pinterest, by comparison, only has 832,700. (Neither company seems to follow very many people back.)

But Pinterest gets more mentions than Facebook, and also more mentions per tweet. In the last four weeks, Twitter users have mentioned the bookmarking site between 488,000 and 625,00 times. Facebook’s handle peaked at 132,000 mentions, with a low point of 83,000.

The chart doesn’t go into specifics of what people were talking about, but the newer company is definitely generating a lot of buzz relative to its size. See more statistics below.

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