Holo Launcher 2.0.1 apk download

Holo Launcher 2.0.1 apk download , ICS Launcher for Android 2.2+

Simple, powerful, fast and highly customizable home replacement, based on Android 4.0.4 ICS Launcher.

Not like Apex Launcher or Nova Launcher, Holo Launcher can run on Froyo, Gingerbread, ICS and Jelly Bean.

Basic Features:
- Full ICS Style: ICS Icons, Folders, Outlines, Drawer Tabs, etc.
- Custom Desktop Pages/Grid: Up to 9 desktop pages and 10 x 10 grid.
- Custom Drawer Portrait/landscape Grid
- Scrollable Dock: Up to 7 icons per page and up to 3 pages.
- Infinite Scrolling
- Gestures: Swipe up/down on desktop to launch apps quickly.
- Customizable shortcut/folder icons
- Customizable icon label color
- Apply icon packs, support ADW icon pack and Launcherpro icon pack.
- Desktop Previews: Pinch to access desktop previews.
- Backup and Restore: Backup and restore your settings and shortcuts.
- Other Customization Options: Keep in memory, home key action, hide apps in drawer, hide labels, etc.

Download Here

Holo Launcher 2.0.1 On Google Play

Video Tutorial

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