Street Fighter X Mega Man Download , This year was the 25th anniversary of Street Fighter, and next year will be the 25th anniversary of Mega Man. Leave it up to Capcom to actually find a way to make a crossover title using both of these properties.
The publisher announced this week that Street Fighter X Mega Man will be released on December 17. What’s more, the game will be free to download for the PC.
The 8-bit title will see players take on the role of Mega Man as he battles Street Fighter characters in lieu of the Robot Masters. Ryu, Blanka, Dhalsim, Chun Li, and other fighters will stand in the blue guy’s way. Mega Man will be able to take the powers of the fighters as he beats them.
A trailer for the game has also been released. Despite the fact that the concept of the game is silly, it actually looks very fun. Its classic Mega Man side-scrolling gameplay should induce nostalgia that reminds gamers why these franchises are still producing sequels after all these years.
A few days ago Capcom announced Street Fighter X Mega Man, a free PC game to be released on 17th December that blends the two iconic franchises together as one big anniversary celebration. Capcom has assured fans that this download will be just the start of celebrations for Mega Man's anniversary, and that the interest in the upcoming release will provide key information on the demand for the series. In other words, download it if you want more Mega Man.
The initial enthusiasm for this title within the gaming media and among enthusiasts is already clear, but it's also attracted a share of criticism. For some there's frustration that what appears to be a well-polished fan-game is what's on offer and that, initially, it'll only be on PC. Speaking to Polygon, Capcom senior vice president Christian Svensson has admitted that this project represents an apology to fans, while defending the decision to not bring the release to console download platforms.