Cannabis Plant Seeds (Hanfsame) Impressions

Cannabis Plant Seeds (Hanfsame) Impressions , The idea of using cannabis plant seeds as nutrition is similar to using mung beans or kidney beans,, for that matter in providing nutrition. It is one step ahead of the curve when looking for high concentrations of vitamins, minerals and sources of energy. In the cannabis plant seeds, there exists a large amount of enzymes and nutrients that are closely in harmony with the human cellular structure than they are with the anatomy of a cancer swath.

Cannabis plant seeds are usually thought of in passing (en passant) to describe a momentary high and done so in jest. In some cases it is also take in vulgarity when combined with acts of base human instinct. However, the cannabis plant seed is more and it is a pity that the powers that be have decided to take aim at this plant and in so doing doomed its benefit to the human condition.

Here is a rumor afloat that Buddha was a consumer of the cannabis plant seed (hanfsame) during his path to enlightenment. This claim may or may not be true as the evidence remains illusive and inconclusive at best, bu the fact that shamans had already discovered its users is at the it is indisputable. As far as religions acts are concerned the seed (hanfsame) has been available and use therapeutically, medically and spiritually for centuries.

The problem with it is probably that the use of it and the cultivation of it is so simple and so easy that almost anyone can cultivate it and two things happen. The first is that more complicated and expensive cancer treatments and protocols will be deemed useless and thus billions in losses will accrue the those concerned. Second, those trying to make it in the black market for illicit purposes are able to sell it at a higher price.

The issue then becomes not about the plant or the seed; not about the effects of the chemistry but about the bias that has become mainstream. For instance, tobacco is much more addictive and more carcinogenic compared to inhaling cannabis, yet, it is freely sold anywhere, everywhere, and at any time. How does this make sense? A person smoking a stick of cigarette is more likely to become addicted than they are to be addicted to the plant resulting from the seed (hansfam). With this in mind, evaluate the health benefits as well as the long term benefits before falling for the stories, hook, line and sinker.

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