The chemistry surrounding recreational drugs is widespread and it is the subject of Hollywood and movies. The sensationalism and the half truths and embellishments have been quite rife over the years since the seventies. Everyone is entitles to their opinion.
As far as legal frameworks are concerned, it is also very important to be aware that marijuana and cannabis are something that resides in illegal territory in most jurisdictions. This is a crucial factor in all considerations. Because even if something is highly beneficial it must not, and cannot be done in counter action to what is legal. As such a clear distinction must be made between what is legal and what is not and actions must be conducted within the strict letter of the law.
One of the things that is not illegal in some jurisdictions is the purchase of cannabis plant seeds. And this is fortunate as the seeds contain significant nutritional value. It is said that Gautama Buddha consumes one seed daily during his ascendance to illumination. Many followers now dispute that. This writer is not supporting one or the other, only to point out some obvious problems with it. The supporters of the teachings who claim it impossible that Buddha consumes this because one of the rules is to not ingest anything hallucinogenic or mind altering.
Hollywood and public relations stints are to blame for this, because, cannabis plant seeds and marijuana seeds themselves have no hallucinogenic properties. Consumption as an other seed or grain will have no other effect other than that which is beneficial to the body. In ancient times, seeds and grains of plants were considered to hold copious amounts of beneficial nutrients. This has been revisited by modern scientist and the finding revalidated. Seeds do contain tremendous value, and so do cannabis plant seeds.
As such, the diet Buddha chose doing his meditative period is one that aided in strength and in illumination. Off course many jest that the illumination was the result of hallucinogens. It is not. Just as grain and honey can be processed into an intoxicant, it does not make them bad. Honey in it self is a nectar that is healthy and pure while grain is a staple the world over. Neither are negative.
As such, the use of cannabis plant seeds should not be castigated and looked down upon. It is a seed and as with all seeds, it has its benefits.
Things To Consider To Order Cannabis Seeds

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