Download China Heavyweight 2012 Movie

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In central China, a Master coach recruits poor rural teenagers and turns them into Western-style boxing champions. Through hard work and discipline, these boys and girls come of age, trained in the art of boxing and the game of life. They are filled with Olympic dreams, hoping to become China's next amateur heroes. But the pull of professionalism also weighs upon their shoulders. Their coach hopes to show them the way. The top student boxers face dramatic choices as they graduate--should they fight for the collective good as amateurs or for themselves and their own personal gain as professionals? It's a metaphor for the choices that everyone faces now, in the New China.

Download China Heavyweight Movie here and enjoy unlimited movie downloads later. No need to pay every time you download. Pay just once and you're all set to a lifetime of free movies download. Follow the following steps and watch your Full-Length DVD quality movie on your own PCs.

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